Armenian All Saints Church and Community Center

HO-MEN-ET-MEN, is the acronym for ARMENIAN PHYSICAL GENERAL UNION, and was founded in 1918 in Constantinople. The Chicago chapter was established in 1974.
The mission of HO-MEN-ET-MEN is to prepare physically strong Armenians and exemplary citizens with the highest intellectual and spiritual virtues: By teaching endurance and courage, nationalism and patriotism, abidance of the law and orderliness.
By developing awareness of duty, feelings of responsibility and honor, in a spirit of harmony and cooperation. By satiating the mind and heart with the noblest of sporting spirit.
Homenetmen’s objectives are realized by:
General physical education and sports
Lectures, seminars and public activities
Clubs, gymnasiums and sports facilities.
Through the years, Homenetmen has strived to develop the moral character of young Armenians so that they will be able to survive in solidarity and harmony with Armenians and non Armenians alike. The success of the scouting and athletic activities is in part due to the continual moral and financial support of dedicated parents,who have been instrumental in organizing and raising funds for new and existing programs.
The ever increasing challenges of contemporary society indicate that, now more than ever, Homenetmen’s commitment to excellence must be shared by each and every one of us.
