Armenian All Saints Church and Community Center

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a Sacrament of the Armenian Church in which a man and a woman solemnly vow before Christ, the priest and the congregation to love, respect and cherish each other for life. Their union is blessed by Christ through the Church.
The Wedding Sacrament must be performed according to the canons of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Please schedule your wedding in advance by calling the church office (847-998-1989)
The marrying couple are required to get a marriage license from the county of their residence, without the license the priest cannot perform the sacrament.
The Wedding Service
Processional to the Front of the Chancel
The Lord’s Prayer
Exchange of Vows
Blessing of the Rings
Hymn: Aysor Yergnayink (Today The Celestials Rejoice)
Joining of the Right Hands and Heads
Hymn: Naya ee Mez (Look Upon Us)
Prayer and Introit
Processional into the Chancel
Hymn: “Oorakh Ler” (Rejoice,O Holy Church)
The Trisagion
Litany of the Faithful
Epistle of St. Paul: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
The Gospel according to Matthew: 19:3-9
Blessing of the Crowns and Crowning
Hymn: “Tak Bardzanats” (O Glorious Crown)
Prayer of Crowning
Hymn: “Ov Yeranelit” (O Thou Blessed of All)
Removal of Crowns
Blessing of the Cup of Wine
The prayer of dismissal
The Lords prayer
The Recessional

Feast Days which Matrimony cannot be performed
January 5-7 - Armenian Christmas Eve, Day and Memorial Day
January 13 - The Feast of the Naming of Jesus
Great lent Period until Memorial Day After Easter
Transfiguration feast and Memorial Day
St. Mary's feast and Memorial Day
Holy Cross feast and Memorial Day
Յունուար 5-7 Ծնունդի Ճրագալոյցէն մինչեւ մեռելոց
Յունուար 13 Անուանակոչութեան տօն
Մեծ Պահքի շրջանին մինչեւ Զատկուան մեռելոցի օր
Վարդավառի օրը եւ մեռելոց
Ս. Աստուածածնի Վերափոխման տօն եւ մեռելոց
Խաչվերացի Կիրակի եւ մեռելոց
Matrimony Questionnaire